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Landing Page

Landing page hits the bullseye


A landing page is the page through which a visitor enters your site when coming from a search engine, sponsored ad, banner, or from a link on another site. The intelligent use of landing pages is one of the most important factors in a successful search engine marketing and SEO campaign.

What page do you want to guide your visitors to?

This should be one of the first issues you tackle when designing your SEO and SEM strategy. Many sites will always lead visitors to their home page regardless of what they searched for. This is a common and very costly mistake. Statistics show that within 8 seconds of arriving at a site, visitors have already decided whether that site has what they are looking for, and if not, they leave immediately. For that reason, the first page a visitor enters must hit the mark. If a visitor lands on a page that doesn’t immediately appear to be relevant to what he or she is looking for, you will certainly lose them.

For example, a user searches Google for a digital camera and proceeds to click on a site in the first results page. At this point, he is not exactly sure where he is and whether or not he found what he is looking for. The ideal place for the user to land is a page focused on digital cameras. If, on the other hand, the user finds himself on the site’s home page which is also offering TVs, phones and stereo systems, he is likely to become impatient and leave that site immediately and try another site from the Google search results. The site just lost a potential customer.

The goal of site optimization is leading the visitor towards a specific action

As part of the process of optimizing your site, we will naturally be using landing pages. The purpose of a landing page is to gear up the visitor to follow through with the desired action. This action can be purchasing your product, joining your mailing list, contacting you, or whatever the purpose of your site is. The first stage in creating a good landing page is defining the goal – what you want your visitor’s next action to be. A conversion is when a visitor follows through with that action.

What makes a landing page good?

An effective landing page is built to “do the job” – that is, to serve the purpose for which you created your site. It is designed to significantly raise the number of conversions on your site. Technically, a landing page is any page on your site to which a visitor enters. That being the case, it is recommended that you create many specialized landing pages, focused and targeted at the various services and products that you offer on your site. Each individual landing page will itself be optimized for the relevant keywords.

Our experience shows that a good, properly built landing page will significantly improve a site’s conversion rate. The better the landing page, the higher the conversion rate will be.

How to create a good landing page

  1. Enhance and simplify the user experience – In order to keep a visitor from getting confused and leaving, a landing page must provide the best possible user experience – an aesthetic and carefully designed page, a clear message, user friendly and easy to navigate. This is one of the most important factors when optimizing your site for Google, as well as one of the most influential factors on your conversion rate. As part of our services here at SEO Jerusalem, we run various usability tests to create the best user experience.
  2. Create trust – Your landing page has to convey trust. There are many techniques for this, but the bottom line is that if a site looks untended, is not updated, and does not display properly, it does not convey trust to the user. When the users don’t feel that they can trust a site, they leave quickly.
  3. Direct the visitor to conversion – A good landing page must lead the user towards the action you expect from him.
  4. Get help from a professional writer – Professional copywriting involves a good focused writing style, marketing skills, and experience with writing content for the web. You might be able to do this yourself, but if you are not sure you should hire a pro. It’s not expensive, and will help you get better rankings on Google, enhance the user experience, and create more conversions. The professional copywriter is essentially your online marketing person who will lead your visitors to conversion.
  5. A call to action – “Buy Now!” “Sign up to our newsletter!” “Download a free demo!” or any other action we want the visitor to follow through with. If you don’t tell your visitors exactly what to do, they likely won’t do anything.
  6. A loud and clear marketing message – Many site owners make the mistake of feeling uncomfortable about hard selling. Research shows that visitors expect to be told straightforward exactly what you want them to do, and why they should choose you over the competition.
  7. Add titles and sub-titles – If a landing page contains long text, it should be broken down into shorter segments, with titles and sub titles separating them. The average internet reader will not read most texts in depth – instead, he will skim through the text and read the titles. Therefore titles should be worded accordingly: short, intriguing, and focused.
  8. Add pictures – Pictures, especially pictures of people, make visitors more comfortable.
  9. Wording – The text on your site, and especially your landing page, is the showcase of your business. It should be clear, sharp, and free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  10. Stay focused – Don’t distract your visitors from conversion. Try to remove or reduce any distractions such as links to other pages, unfocused texts, pointless flash animations and the like.
  11. Optimization – A professional SEO consultant will make sure that different landing pages are shown to different visitors based on a few parameters. A statistics application, such as Google Analytics, will be set up to monitor the performance of the landing pages. Different designs and layouts may be tested to find out which one brings the highest conversion rate.

They are many additional factors and details to creating the perfect landing page. We can’t fit them all in one article, but we’ll be happy to help you design and improve your landing pages or improving your site’s sales performance. With SEO Jerusalem, you are in good hands!

Contact us!

SEO Jerusalem is a premium search engine optimization company, promoting websites in English, Hebrew and German SEO. Our SEO expert team provides worldwide SEO services and we serve as one of the leading companies in the Israel SEO market. Our search engine marketing strategies and our innovative SEO web development techniques are ideal for Google SEO or any other organic SEO needs. Locally – We offer Israel-wide SEO services including the cities: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Kiryat Shmona , Haifa and Eilat. Worldwide – we offer global campaign services to companies and organizations from all over the world. We look forward to working with you, so please feel free to contact us.

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