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About Us

SEO expert

SEO Jerusalem is a premium search engine optimisation company, promoting websites in German, English and Hebrew. Our expert team provides services to customers worldwide and leads the Israel SEO market.

SEO Jerusalem’s Services:

As part of the SEO service we will run search engine crawler simulations, web marketing and web site usability. Our primary expertise is in enhancing websites that target English, Hebrew and German markets for the most highly competitive goods and services sectors. We also develop websites with our unique “SEO Ready Pack”.

We maintain the highest standards set by European markets and sustain a proficient and dedicated service that is second to none. SEO Jerusalem guarantees no unethical “black hat SEO”.

contact us now!


9 Hartum Street
9777509 Jerusalem

SEO Jerusalem is a premium search engine optimization company, promoting websites in English, Hebrew and German SEO. Our SEO expert team provides worldwide SEO services and we serve as one of the leading companies in the Israel SEO market. Our search engine marketing strategies and our innovative SEO web development techniques are ideal for Google SEO or any other organic SEO needs. Locally – We offer Israel-wide SEO services including the cities: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Kiryat Shmona , Haifa and Eilat. Worldwide – we offer global campaign services to companies and organizations from all over the world. We look forward to working with you, so please feel free to contact us.