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WordPress: Change URL
A common issue that arises with WordPress is the need to change the URL. Sometimes you are changing your URL for SEO reason, but more often you have set up a site on a development server and you now have to move it to the true URL.
It takes only a few queries to update a wordpress install, but writing these queries is a pain. Here is a simple HTML/Javascript program to help you create these queries.
I have found after much experience that simply changing the “home” and “siteurl” is not enough. There is often embedded content that contains links, permalinks and plugins. I have tried to make these programs as expansive as possible. As such there are two sections, one for everyone, and one that has extra queries for different themes and plugins. In general, it will not do any harm to run the query, even if you do not have the plugin, as long as it is entered correctly.
In future releases I intend to also make a query for updating postmeta data, as some theme require absolute url in postmeta.
The fields should be entered without the trailing “/”.
This script is provided AS IS with no express or implied warranty of any kind. Make sure that the site is accessible from the new url BEFORE running these queries and back-up your database before running any queries.
Download Script
Enter the correct values into the fields below to make your queries:
old url: | |
new url: | |
table prefix: | |
For some wordpress installations additional Queries are required:
This script is developed by SEO Jerusalem, a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Israel License.
Feel free to reuse it as long as you propery attribute it SEO Jerusalem with a link.